Stick Stuff Grip
is a liquid water-based synthetic rubber for the application to musical drumsticks and percussion mallets to improve your grip. The product is offered in twelve different colors plus clear, with or without black light glow. Chartreuse Yellow, Orange and Green UV glow is an excellent fish attractant too, for your lures. Experiment with multi-colors as shown on the
Stick Stuff Store
Who said drummers weren't creative? See a Stick Dipping Rig by Gabriel➩
TOP SELLER: Drumstick Grip 18oz. Jar➩
This new water-based product allows drummers to produce a drumstick thin, medium grip or thickened, extra grip on your drumsticks of choice, creating a tactile feel. My interest in developing this product was to find a grip helping relieve the stress and tension playing from being a self taught, "From the Heart, Feeling every Note." type of drummer. Stick Stuff is getting great exposure because of my interest in music, my passion for playing live, studio recording, attending concerts, drum clinics and trade-shows throughout the United States. It is sold through this web site and in many retail stores. The product is also available, pre-dipped on my own brand of Stick Stuff drumsticks and pro baseball bats made by, The Hoosier Bat Company
Stick Stuff is targeted for established musicians throughout the world as well as novice drummers too. The numerous color choices make it possible for you to coordinate marching band school colors along with many other musical organizations and sporting equipment venues, including the UV liquid colorant for fishing lures and baits.
Creative DIP TIP from Barry: Ordered the product yesterday and received it today.. Fantastic.. Being a bass player (fingers) This will be used by my drummer and guitarist. I'm sure you heard them all, but my drummers tip is to use an aluminum cigar holder filled to about 3/4 and then he can get the amount of length of grip he likes on his sticks... ---Thanks, Barry

Drumstick Grip
Dip your own sticks!
Dip your own sticks!
Steve Fagiano's Drumline W/ Stick Stuff Grip Black Light Glow
Testimonials: See what they're saying about or products
I am Proud to be an Endorsed Artist with Stick Stuff Grips.... My New PURPLE Extra Grip Stick Stuff came in over the weekend and I'm already dipping and gripping. Putting it to good use on my natural wood sticks and mallets. The CLEAR Extra Grip is perfect for my new Purple Punisher series signature sticks from Solobeat..!! Having been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2012 the grip in my hands is not as good as it used to be. #stickstuffgrips from Mike Anderson and his company have greatly improved my ability to continue drummer the way i always have. Strong & Confident... !!! ---Scott Baughn
If the FAA has contacted you about why you're launching so many unscheduled objects into the nation's airspace, then you need Stick Stuff! ---Paul Wertico
I was at first extremely skeptical about trying your Stick Stuff grip. I had tried other sticks with grip on them and had always thought they were too thick, and didn't provide enough rebound. After applying Stick Stuff to my sticks myself, I was eager to try. The first time I actually got to use the sticks with the newly fashioned grip was when my band, Boylion was playing at the Metro in Chicago, Illinois. After the first bar of the first song, I fell in love. They give a perfect feel, and I can't imagine playing without Stick Stuff on my sticks. Thanks to the company for letting me try it out. ---Nick Rymut-Boylion
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Member of the National Association of Musical Manufactures (NAMM) since 1999